Saturday, October 31, 2015

Acadian Beauty missing in action?

So it's been months since I've written even a chatty blog post, let alone something interesting with pictures and reviews. I've been so incredibly busy!

Since buying our home, we've been working non-stop to renovate and decorate it the way we wish it to be.

Besides that, I got a full-time teaching job for the year, teaching a grade I've never taught before. This has been a time-sucking challenge beyond all others. Not only do planning, creating & teaching take time, but so do the extra deadlines of the professional side of things (reports, report cards, communication plans, etc.). So when I DO have time to myself, I spend a lot of it with my husband & the rest of it sleeping.

I'm working on getting back into the writing swing of things, because I truly miss posting things.  That being said, a couple posts a month will most likely be the extent of it until Christmas break. If you're still interested in what I have to say - thanks so much!!
