Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Origins Make A Difference Plus+ Rejuvenating Moisturizer | Review

A couple of months ago I finally took the plunge into committing a bit more of my money into some higher end skincare. I usually purchase drugstore skincare (& I still do for most things) but I thought it might be time to test out a moisturizer with a few extra benefits. I also found that my makeup wasn't sitting very well on top of my current choice.

I spent a good few hours researching different moisturizer options available at Sephora. There are some very pricey products, some less pricey choices & a lot of different ingredients to wade through.  It also vastly depends on what your personal skincare needs are and your age.  I'm in my mid-twenties, I have combination skin & I don't have any particularly demanding skincare needs - just that whatever I use sits well under foundation.

I settled on the Origins Make A Difference Plus+ Rejuvenating Moisturizer ($51.00 CAD).  Now, $51 is a TON more than I've ever spent on a moisturizer - but it's not more than I've ever spent on a makeup product.  This moisturizer is touted as an AM-PM dual use moisturizer, but I prefer to use something a little bit thicker at night.

 I use this every morning after my toner but before my primer/foundation. I leave it to sit for 5-10 minutes before applying makeup (I use this time to make my lunch for work). It smells of fruit-loops & it feels light but effective on my skin. I do see significant shine on my skin, even after it has had time to soak in, which is generally resolved by my makeup.  If, per chance, I were to not wear makeup, I tend to not use this because I don't appreciate the shine factor.

Do I regret my decision to purchase an expensive moisturizer for my not-so-picky skin? Nope. I would recommend this as a good starter product for anyone delving into the world of higher-end skincare, especially if you are on the younger side.

Have you tried this or any Origins products?


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