Tuesday, April 28, 2015

L'Oreal Fibralogy | Review

I was chosen to be sent the Canadian VoxBox from Influenster.  This is my first campaign since becoming a member of Influenster back in December. Influenster is a review website where people can go to share their opinions of different products that they use everyday. I've reviewed around 35 different products since joining the site.

L'Oreal Fibralogy Influenster

About a month ago I was sent a survey & then was lucky enough to be selected to be sent the L'Oreal Fibralogy box absolutely free to review.  In the box there is a shampoo, a conditioner & a special "thickening booster".  These products are touted as being able to create hair that feels thicker as soon as you're done using it the first time & hair that IS thicker after 5 uses.

  • First you are supposed to wash & rinse your hair with the shampoo (as you do with shampoo). 
  • Then you are supposed to take the thickening booster & apply it in-between the shampoo & the conditioner. 
  • Without rinsing the booster, you're supposed to apply the conditioner on top of it, as you normally would. Then you rinse your hair again, taking out the booster & the conditioner.
  •  For "intensive treatment" you're supposed to use the booster twice a week, but you're only supposed to use it once per week for "regular use". I assume they wish for you to continue using the shampoo and conditioner portions of this system everyday, with the insertion of the booster once a week. 


After only one use, it was really hard to tell a difference because I have fairly thick hair to begin with.  After a few uses, my hair started to look a little bit fuller and voluminous. By use number five (Which is supposed to be the magic number), my hair definitely looks thick & shiny. Whether or not it IS thicker is quite hard to discern for me.

I definitely like these products, regardless of the results. My hair feels and looks amazing.  Is it thicker? Well I can't quite tell, but I would purchase this on my own.

Have you tried this product? How did you feel it worked?


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