Wednesday, August 5, 2015

25 things about me | 25th birthday post

So today is my 25th birthday! I've been blogging on & off on this site now for around 10 months & I've been quite happy doing so. I thought since I'm now a quarter of a century, I could probably share a few things about myself on here. I don't write very many personal things, but why not?

1. I live in rural Nova Scotia (that's in Canada, folks), in the same town in which I was born.

2. I'm married to a lovely man, we were married in July of 2014
3. We've just bought a house - which is a lot of work!
4. I'm a teacher
5. I have a cat named Dharma. She has a brother named Hugo - who can figure out the reference?
6. My favourite colour is Coral
7. Autumn is my favourite season

8. I took up Belly Dancing two years ago with one of my best friends for fun because we were bored & now we're both really good at it!
9. My favourite food is a fajita
10. Speaking of which, I love hand-held & bite-sized food of all varieties. 

11. I'm Acadian & quite proud of my heritage & culture

12. Because of this, I speak French...often.

13.  I'd rather be hot than cold. 

14.  I'm not a morning person.

15. But I'm not really a night owl either. 

16.  I love reading. I'll read anything - fiction, non-fiction, magazines, newspapers, blogs...

17.  I also love to cook, but not baking. 

18.  I'm a fan of white wine, but not so much the reds. 

19.  I'm learning to let go of my need for perfection.

20. But I'm still quite particular about many things

21.  I'm always interested in world events & am always up-to-date on the latest happenings

22.  I'm also a history buff. I love it because no matter how much I learn & know, there's always more to discover. 

23.  I'm the chatty one, but I can also be quite shy in social situations that give me anxiety.

24.  I hate calling people, but if you call me I'll chat with you all day.

25. I never in a million years would have dreamed what my life would be like at 25, but I'm very happy with how far I've come & the direction in which I'm going.


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